Since 2012 the company has been specializing on replacement of current electric engines’ settings.
During the dismantling process an oleodynamic rope side cutting machine WCH14P (TYROLIT, Austria) is used.
This modern technology of iron-clad setting cutting makes these types of work possible
- there are no limits for the depth of cutting;
- it accelerates the dismantling process of iron-clad constructions;
- there is a possibility to work in fire hazardous environment;
- there are no limits in material's compound (combination of cutting concrete with steel);
- there are almost no limits for the material’s form;
- there are no oversplitting;
- it works quietly;
- short duration of preparation for work;
- it possible to achieve a decent cutting capability;
- low demand for driven capapbility;
- low demand for investment.
For anchor bolt replacement in current setting we use diamond drilling methods by creating port holes for chemical retaining stud installation using «Mungo» grouting technology.
The main experience in successful replacement of settings we have in Public Joint-stock company «Transneft» (4АЗМВ-2500 – 4 pc .- LLC«Transneft Baltic », STD-6300 – 16pc.- «Transneft- Druzhba»)..